Facebook Will Not Need a Grave Anytime Soon

Paige Brophy
No Paige Number
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2016

I am really sick of people saying that Facebook is dying, because it is really not.

Over the past few months I have really noticed a shift in how people use Facebook, and instead of in being a place to share as much as possible, it has shifted to share the most important things possible.

In an article by Rhiannon Williams, she believes that Facebook is becoming more passive, and that we are no longer sharers, but we are listeners, which explains why we only share the most important things. It’s not about how many posts a day come out, it is about quality of posts in each day that come out.

The common phrase has also come up several times is that since Myspace died, Facebook will die too. In an article by business insider, it goes over the fact that Myspace may have in fact “died” even though it was bought for $580 million, but it never had the capacity that Facebook possesses. There are over 1.19 billion users that generates 1 billion per quarter.

Have you heard of media relations? The number one thing that public relations agencies, marketing, and the new departments of social media management in the world use is in fact… wait for it… FACEBOOK. Facebook has become a machine for marketing and public relations gurus, and it is not about to stop.

So, the next time you are tempted to say that Facebook is dying just because all the cool kids are not using it anymore, think again, because Facebook is bigger than just the quarterback of your high school football team, and it always will be.



Paige Brophy
No Paige Number

Writing is the simplest thing that can change the world. A marathoner, writer, and passionate person who believes writing and inspiring social change through it