Is Your Brand Suffering On Snapchat?

Paige Brophy
No Paige Number
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017

Did Instagram send the largest rebuttal Snapchat has seen by adding a story feature roughly 6 months ago?

Tech Crunch posted an article insinuating that the Instagram story feature may be stealing Snapchat users, and that Snapchat may not be the best use for your brand when it comes to marketing.

If you haven’t already noticed in your personal use of Snapchat, use is going down, and Snapchat stories are not the first thing you scroll through in the morning while laying in bed. The CEO of Snapchat agrees, as people are posting WAY less, or worse, some not at all.

According to a Bloomberg report, Snapchat reached a high of it’s users in June of 2016, and Instagram has done the opposite, especially since the launch of Instagram Stories. In just the mere 25 weeks that Instagram Stories have been alive, it is has already reached 150 million daily users.

Snapchat does have the younger generation appeal that paid social media experts just can’t seem to get away from.

Here is the problem though…Instagram has just the same younger audience appeal, with added young professionals and professionals, and can now do almost everything Snapchat can do. With that argument, Instagram comes out on top.

I predict in the next year Snapchat may virtually become an “extra” for brands, and not a “must have”. It’s your turn to decide what is going to be best for your brand, which may be saying goodbye to Snapchat.



Paige Brophy
No Paige Number

Writing is the simplest thing that can change the world. A marathoner, writer, and passionate person who believes writing and inspiring social change through it