Why You NEED to Use Instagram For Your Brand

Paige Brophy
No Paige Number
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2016

I had to honor of listening to the founder of the Precious Little Sleep mastermind, and for those of you who do not know what that is, it is a very successful website and Facebook group.

Something struck me in this lecture though, and it was her very strong resistance to adopt content for Instagram, and all I could think the entire time was “wow, you are missing a HUGE opportunity here.”

If you don’t have content for Instagram in my opinion then it is an absolute necessity to make it. This reaches such a younger demographic. Not only that, but it reaches such a large demographic.

Instagram content is easy in my opinion, it just needs to be consistent, fun, and flashy. It’s basically like dressing up a graphic like you would dress yourself for a first date, you just do it over and over again.

If you put up a quote everyone will like, then you put up a quote. What Instagram does is a remind your audience you are there, it does not necessarily have to be the most engaging thing ever. Instagram is about scrolling and there isn’t a sufficient way to share yet, so therefore engaging content really does not have a leg up just yet.

This is why I really don’t understand why people hesitate with Instagram and stress hardcore over the content. I think it has been over-complicated, and brands talk themselves out of adopting it, and that hurts them even more.

Brands just need to be on Instagram. There is a huge demographic lost if you don’t adopt the medium. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, so just post something to Instagram.



Paige Brophy
No Paige Number

Writing is the simplest thing that can change the world. A marathoner, writer, and passionate person who believes writing and inspiring social change through it