6 sports that will make your summer fit and healthy

Gabrielė Jašinskaitė
No Pants Office
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2021
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Sport has existed since the dawn of time. It has helped to keep cultures fit and healthy while also fostering strong communities and raising morale. Sports are more important than ever in today’s era of iPhones and laptops. Competitive physical activity encourages children and adults to get outside and stay active while also instilling vital values.

In the same way that cars are designed to ride, we are designed to move. If a car is taken out for a 3-mile round trip once in a while, it would soon start to develop an engine and all sorts of other problems.

For us humans, not moving is the start of all sorts of health problems. So do yourself a favor — start moving!

These are just a few easy to practice sports for summer:

1. Yoga

Yoga is an all-around body and mind salvation. It increases flexibility and improves muscle strength. Aligning breath and movement improves metabolism, helps weight reduction and increases protection from injury. Aside from the physical benefits, one of the most valuable aspects of yoga is how it aids in the management of stress and positive impact on emotional wellbeing.

You can practice yoga in a studio or get a yoga mat, choose a quiet place outside and run a practice from a YouTube video or a wide variety of apps.

2. Walk or run in a fresh air

First and foremost fresh air boosts the immune system, clears lungs, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the heart rate, and improves overall wellbeing. Finally, fresh air increases and replenishes energy while clearing the mind.

The best part — it’s totally free and if you choose walking you might not even break a sweat!

3. Walking exercise

Main benefits of walking exercise: improved cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness (heart and lungs), heart disease, and stroke risks are lowered. Hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, joint and muscle discomfort or stiffness, and diabetes can all be better managed. Enhanced balance and stronger bones.

Walking goes hand in hand with meditation while admiring nature or passers-by or podcasts and audiobooks. Out preference — book summaries on Blinkist.

4. Full body workout

A full-body workout is wonderful for exercising all muscles in a single session. One session — no muscles left behind. It’s great for losing weight, building muscular strength, getting in tone, increasing energy levels, clearing the mind from all the worries and stresses. And yes, it might be challenging, but hey — no pain, no gain.

The best part — you don’t need to go to the gym or have special equipment. There’re plenty of great YouTube videos for 20-minute full-body workouts without any equipment. Perfect for any outdoor space.

5. Zumba

A definite good-mood booster and sweat breaker! You won’t even notice you’re exercising, but boy it definitely is a workout. If you haven’t tried it before, it’s a must!

You can find many indoor and outdoor Zumba classes as well as plenty of good videos online.

6. Cardio

In the Covid-19 era, cardio exercise is a must. It increases lung capacity and boosts energy in a natural way. It is also a weapon for your mental health and restful sleep. Most importantly, it strengthens the immune system.

Summer is here, being outside is especially pleasing these days after all lockdowns. So make the most of it and make exercising outside another reason to leave home. Try them all, or some, but remember — whatever you do, make it joyful!

‘’The five S’s of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit.’’- Ken Doherty

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No Pants Office Healthy Living Guide is all about trying out different exercising practices, having fun, building strength, clearing the mind, and improving sleep quality. On top of different exercising practices each day, it’s also a place to get tips on healthy eating habits.

