Starting is half the battle

Moonjung Kim
No Prescription Needed
2 min readApr 3, 2020

I played one of those interactive story apps around my second year of pharmacy school. Maybe it was to distract myself from the stress of pharmacy school or perhaps I wanted to be a different person leading a different life. Who knows? In any case, I was a college journalist in my interactive story. The more I played, the more I wanted to live a little bit of my character’s life in reality. There was one issue — I’m not a writer.

Lucky for me, my best friend in pharmacy school happened to have a double degree in psychology and creative writing. She got the wheels started on this blog. Blogging on my own seemed a bit daunting. My friend and co-editor on the other hand, she has a flair with words. I’m constantly laughing over her witty comments and impressed by how she is able to express her emotions and thoughts clearly with choice words. Me? I don’t even know what I’m feeling sometimes, let alone know how to express it.

Pretending to write is definitely different than actual writing. Therefore, I haven’t posted a single thing despite being a year out of pharmacy school. Every time I tried to write, I was paralyzed with insecurities about my thoughts and writing skills (especially grammar and punctuation). I feel like there is a permanence to writing. Even if you delete a post, people can’t unread what they’ve already read. So here we are three years later and I have finally gained the courage to publish my thoughts. It’s 2020 and I want to start being the person I imagine myself to be. They say starting is half the battle — starting project imagine me.

