Huzzah! The official blog of Pretty Instant [No Selfies] is live!

Ben Maitland-Lewis
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2016

Welcome! :)

It’s been our intention for the better part of a year to launch a blog highlighting the growing list of lessons learned from the hundreds (soon to be thousands) of events we shoot every year. Lessons that educate both photographers and event producers, as well as entertain those on the periphery. Our team comes from a wide range of experiences in the professional entertainment, marketing, events, software engineering, production, and of course, photography industries, so we’re coming at this content from multiple angles that is sure to be both value-driven and entertaining.

You see it’s all about the experience, and at Pretty Instant, we capture experiences that tell stories, move initiatives, and drive commerce. Professional photography not only sells things, but enables you to actually be in the photo and present to that moment, rather than getting into a selfie stick fight or driving into the back of a pickup. Our technology connects photographers with people who have a story to be shared.. and we can’t wait to share our journey with you here.

A bit about us:

We provide photographers on-demand for your life & office. For literally any occasion or purpose, you can book one of our professional photographers in 90 seconds, then sit back and relax… we handle it without all the negotiating or nonstop back and forth typical in most marketplaces. We also build custom photo-marketing technology to instantly send people their photos; brand-able, trackable, and instantly shareable. My co-founders and I worked together on multiple companies in the music space before starting this, and the entire story of how Pretty Instant came to be is one of recognizing opportunity and chasing it. FastCompany wrote a cool piece on our beginnings that you can check out titled “The Difference Between A Joke & A Billion Dollar Company Isn’t As Big As You’d Think”.

I hope you enjoy and participate in the stories we share. Don’t be a stranger — we love new friends!

Ben! — CEO, Co-Founder



Ben Maitland-Lewis

CEO @PrettyInstant Photography #NoSelfies. Event Producer, Ex-Music, Booze, & Experiential Marketing Exec. Loves to drum, solve problems, & have fun!