It’s Time to Unlock The Tailspin World Of Jargon

Bottom line is that people really need to understand you more


Image created by the author in CANVA.

On 13th May 2024, Gatlin McPherson wrote and published his article entitled, “What is Jargon?” which can be read in full at the end of this piece, with a collection of my own healthcare ‘jargon-busting stories following that.

In response to one of Gaitlin’s statements that, ‘jargon is special words or expressions which can be difficult to understand and many professional communities may have different kinds of jargon, I must admit to heartily laughing, not at the article but, in the knowledge that I too was once party to being a linguistic clever clogs, when the time came to speaking the lingo of jargoneze,’ okay, so this is not even a word, but half the time, the same can be said for most of the medical and psychiatric jargon that’s bandied around like lollipops too.

Yet, it wasn’t until I was required to medically resign from mental health that I actually comprehended without a doubt, that…



Jonathan Townend, RMN - Editor - Friend of Medium
No Shame

Psychiatric Nurse Writer. Owner of Creative Passions, The Shortform, No Shame, World of Fiction publications, and co-editor for The Chocolate River.