Time to Point The Spotlight At Those Old Lost Hobbies

Maybe it’s time to focus on what yours is right now?


Image created by the author in CANVA.

We all need hobbies in our lives don’t we, but have you ever thought about why? It appears that people simply invest their time in them without truly discovering the benefits of them

According to a study published on Sept. 11th, 2023 by Better Health, and subsequently published by Harvard Medical School (Harvard Health Publishing) in January 2024, it was reported that participation in a hobby helped people toward gaining ‘better health, more happiness, fewer symptoms of depression, and higher life satisfaction… such as arts and crafts, games, gardening, volunteering, or participating in clubs, which involve creativity, sensory engagement, self-expression, relaxation, and cognitive stimulation, which are linked to good mental health and well-being. Plus, taking part in hobby groups keeps you socially connected, which helps reduce loneliness and isolation.’

I continue to impress upon everybody about the needs for mental health to continue be openly talked about, in an effort for us all to banish the stigma and discrimination, that continues to exist across our planet, and what better way to spread this word than through this publication on the Medium platform.



Jonathan Townend, RMN - Editor - Friend of Medium
No Shame

Psychiatric Nurse Writer. Owner of Creative Passions, The Shortform, No Shame, World of Fiction publications, and co-editor for The Chocolate River.