Exploiting Resolutions for Future Gains (a.k.a. my New Year’s resolutions)

Noah Huber-Feely
Noah Codes
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2017

On New Year’s Day, it’s a well founded tradition to look back on the year ahead and plan for the new. With some significant changes coming this fall as I move to Columbia University, it’s important I plan wisely and my goals can actively aid this transition. Below, are my resolutions in no particular order.

  • Optimize the PAL virtual assistant to be the perfect study aid and carry the brunt of any easily automated tasks. These can extend from helping with digesting texts and new information, to taking care of household chores. This includes bringing him to new interfaces such as the Alexa. Something I plan to at least partially complete by the end of this very day.
  • Learn short hand and scout out and master other time saving techniques that can accelerate my performance and ability to accomplish the many tasks university will demand of me.
  • Commit code to GitHub at least 95% of days this year. It can be very simple additions, but it is important to be actively contributing regardless.
  • In a similar token, take 10,000 steps or more a day for at least 95% of the year.
  • Also, my goal is to average 13,000 steps per day, so will have to have some high step count days to account for the lower tier ones. [Update 01/04/16: After careful analysis, I deemed the time spent completing this goal was not worth the marginal health gains. Rather, I should attempt to run at least 52 miles this year, which would have nearly equivalent health benefits.]
  • Another goal that should be simple to achieve, is to complete at least 52 community service hours. This is not only the morally right thing to do, but has also been shown to promote happiness and well-being.
  • And on the professional side, I hope to expand the C-Tips site to encompass at least 10,000 users before the year’s end. This is aiming drastically low, but if I can complete this before February that is all the better, so its low figure is just a gross under calculation of the actual likely figure.

I’ll keep you all updated about my progress over the course of the year, and can’t wait to see what this year will bring.

Source: Noah Codes



Noah Huber-Feely
Noah Codes

Full stack developer and Columbia student. Let’s build a better world.