Creating smart cities: Blockchain changes the game rules

Noah Coin
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2019

Countries spend billions of dollars on the development of smart cities in a race to be named the best place for living. They have already poured $308.0 billion into the global smart city market and are not going to stop. The primary goal of such places is to make the residents’ lives as much comfortable as possible, as well as to facilitate the country’s economic growth.

What is a smart city?

A smart city is a settlement that uses information and communication technologies to improve urban processes. Intelligent solutions and sensors inform the citizens about any traffic disturbances, help find a free parking lot, plan the routes, turn on green lights when required, and do everything to improve our living conditions. It’s heaven on earth, don’t you think?

However, an ambitious cryptocurrency millionaire Jeffrey Berns considers that the decentralized ledger technology can make smart cities even more sophisticated. The entrepreneur intends to build a blockchain city in the Nevada desert. He plans to create not only a hi-tech hub but also build up accommodation, schools, and an e-sports arena. The construction activities are expected to be started in the second half of 2019. The area of the intended city is about 250 square kilometers.

Are your dreaming of such a life? Imagine how many wonderful opportunities you’d gain by moving into this man-made innovative paradise!

How can blockchain enhance smart cities?

To make sure that smart cities really do things much better, look at the brilliant facts revealed by the consulting firm McKinsey&Company. The advanced systems applied in these settlements can save 25–80 liters of water per person per day or reduce the number of crime incidents by 30–40%. Elon Musk’s inventions pale by comparison.

Incorporating blockchain into smart cities can help obtain more excellent results. This disruptive technology goes hand in hand with transparency and security, making urban ecosystem much more convenient and efficient. It creates a new and seamless model of infrastructure, which allows citizens, authorities, and smart devices to interact with each other.

Let’s see how blockchain is able to considerably upgrade the transportation system. To plot a route or draw up a schedule, the transport workers should treat a huge amount of data collected on population’s movements and travel. They use hundreds of cameras and vehicle detectors to switch traffic lights, reduce delays, predict incidents, or manage congestion on highways. High-tech solutions make this process automatic and faultless. Do such places even exist?

Developing blockchain cities: Who is on the top?

Yes, it’s not a dream! There is a global tendency to develop new smart cities and, moreover, enhance them with blockchain solutions, which are vigorously incorporated into the infrastructure of many world’s megalopolises. China, the United Arab Emirates, and the USA are now struggling for the leadership in this field.

A bunch of 500 smart cities is scattered throughout China, according to the Deloitte’s report. This country is a major proponent of high technologies, that’s why the Chinese government decided to apply blockchain for building more effective and citizen-friendly cities. For example, Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, is one of such places. The authorities have already installed face recognition software in the urban buses instead of conventional fare boxes. Besides, Yinchuan’s residents actively make purchases via blockchain applications.

The Middle East breathes down Asia’s neck. As early as in 2014, the UAE authorities launched the Smart Dubai project that aims to turn Dubai into the blockchain-driven city by 2020. They’re about to apply blockchain technology in order to improve a wide range of sectors: trade, city planning, power engineering, transport connection, and others. The blockchain-powered system includes about 1,000 various services. The technology will allow urban authorities to effectively manage roads, accelerate document handling, and reduce costs.

Several blockchain projects were developed in the USA, which could not stay away from the progress. The states of Delaware and Illinois launched the blockchain initiatives to encourage the application of smart solutions in both private and public sectors. The authorities are confident that advanced technologies will help them to establish trust and reliable relations with citizens.

What about other countries? They also want to put their tag on the map of blockchain globalization.

The Philippines joins the race

The Philippines doesn’t mind being named the global blockchain leader. The government has created a special Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA) and invited several FinTech and blockchain companies to become its residents. So, the country has its own Crypto Valley. What is missing to complete the picture? Right, a smart city.

Our enthusiastic team is going to fill in this gap. We have grandiose plans to create an entirely high-tech city governed by blockchain and cryptocurrencies rather than just to incorporate breakthrough technologies into the existing systems. The future Noah City will occupy a 419 ha territory within Horizon Manila, which is expected to become the largest Central Business District in the Philippines.

The Asian region has already proved that it is the leading direction for trailblazers and entrepreneurs in the blockchain industry. In our opinion, the decentralized ledger technology is a driver of the fourth industrial revolution. Our team will apply our best efforts to make the Noah City the global center of blockchain ecosystem.

The Noah City will welcome businessmen, vendors, crypto enthusiasts, and those who have already embarked on the path of the digital world and are ready to take all the advantages provided by cutting-edge technologies. The ecosystem will be ruled by Noah Coin, for using which people will receive various discounts and privileges.

Smart cities to conquer the world

Is upgrading smart cities with blockchain worth it? The above-mentioned Mr. Berns is absolutely confident “that if we can get enough people to trust the blockchain, we can begin to change all the systems we operate by.”

Smart cities are called upon to improve our lives and make them much easier. Emerging technologies and infrastructure optimize resource consuming and provide a good environment for commercial development. The Noah team believes that blockchain offers more exciting opportunities to smart cities by bringing them to a new level. Are you ready to move to the megalopolis of the future with us?

