Diary Weekly Update #21

The economy is falling apart

Noah Coin
Published in
6 min readApr 8, 2020


The financial crisis is swallowing up the world as it wills but our flexibility allows us to never stop working. COVID-19 is forcing us to carry out our meet-ups online and they are fast approaching. We’re preparing a lot of updates for our holders. QDAO DeFi is in an active stage of development and v2.0 is almost here! This week we have spoken a lot about the financial situation in the world and the efforts of our tireless team. Find out the details now!

Workaholics never sleep!

We rarely talk about how the Platinum team executes its work. We are destined for the role of the puppet masters of the Noah Project. But sometimes we come out of the shadows.

My team works around the clock! Did you know that Platinum employees are scattered across 19 different countries? We do our best to always be online and available to help our customers.

I admire the dedication of my colleagues. This is not just “working in an IT company” for them but also an opportunity to participate in a project with real value.

12 hours of work is sometimes not the limit. There are times when they have to wake up in the middle of the night because something went wrong and they need to urgently solve the problem. Sometimes they even take on the responsibilities of colleagues whenever they are absent for some reason. The load can be doubled!

I understand and appreciate this, my team is the best.

We really do need your help now in organizing our meet-ups in Japan. This is an opportunity to earn extra money in the Noah Project. Write to us if you have a desire to actively participate in organizing meet-ups by becoming an instructor. We will pay for your efforts with NOAH tokens.

We never sleep! We just don’t have time for it. Q DAO and Noah ecosystems have so many products to develop that we cannot stop working. We’re ever striving to create new ones.

Our team is constantly growing. Sometimes newcomers are shocked by the working process, however, when they start to understand our purpose and begin to sense our team atmosphere, it all makes up for it very nicely.

You have a unique chance to feel this atmosphere too — just become an instructor. We need help with the organization of Japan’s April meet-ups. You can contribute your time and get paid for it. It’s a fair trade, I guess.

If you want to help us and earn some NOAH tokens, please contact our support managers and they will tell you about everything in detail. We’re counting on you!

Thoughts on the global economy

World events deserve our attention. The problems in the global economy which are being exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic do not bode well. We try and understand the situation so that we can offer an alternative. That’s what we do.

Here is the big problem. The wheels of the US printing press are spinning but the economy isn’t going anywhere. In fact, the situation is vice versa, it’s slowing down.

Can anyone remember the last time that the great United States had to stimulate its economy with $2 TRILLION?! There was no such time!

Another suspicious move is that the Fed will be purchasing an unlimited number of treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities. This is a warning bell that rings loud — it’s time to panic!

The Fed’s grip is weakening. The coronavirus came as a shot to the leg when the other one was already damaged. And now we see the greatest economy of the world crawling — but where to?

The same mistakes lead to the same results.

Could cryptocurrencies be the answer? Maybe. How should you protect yourself? I offer you QDAO DeFi Noah Citizenship so that you can earn on the decentralized side of the world. Make your stable passive income while watching traditional markets in a fight for their life.

Japan meet-ups are coming and it is a great chance to discuss the current situation with us. Join us and you will receive life-changing information.

If you are open to helping us organize the meet-ups, please contact our support managers. We will praise your contribution!

Have you ever thought that the coronavirus has become a catalyst for the financial crisis? Of course, people understand the risk of a recession in the global economy, however, this prospect seemed somewhat distant. Now, the crisis is on the edge and quarantines speeds it up.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the EU countries started to default? The whole system would collapse like dominoes. The largest countries in South America are already close to default — what do you say to this?

The most unobvious option is the USA. Judge for yourself:

  • the infusion of “printed” money into the economy is now endless
  • the situation with the сoronavirus is getting complicated
  • small and medium sized business are not in good shape
  • the interest rate is now negative

What will you do if the US defaults?

Cryptocurrencies can become a safe haven and development of Web 3.0 could bring positive results soon.

Noah blockchain is part of Web 3.0. The Noah City is already protecting its residents from the financial crisis. The interest rates in the QDAO DeFi program will never become negative. Our goal is to protect the members of our community from the consequences of the financial crisis.

Recently, I came across an interesting article on how people from the 1900’s imagined the 21st century to be like.

The inventor Nikola Tesla believed that mankind would abandon war and concentrate its efforts on healthcare, education and the protection of nature.

Professor Ilya Mechnikov dreamed of how the people of the 21st century would be able to control their longevity. In his opinion, the development of medicine would postpone the aging process for many years.

People believed that we would be able to control the weather and that armies would lose their purpose. Oh… how much they were mistaken!

Instead of conscious existence, we have a culture of hyper-consumption, a series of financial crises and impotence against mutating viruses. Are you sure that we are moving in the right direction?

We need transparency in everything to solve these problems. Only blockchain technology can provide it for our economic affairs. We’ve started building the Noah City to reclaim the concept of “state.” Absolute transparency, democracy and an evolved consciousness is only possible in the Noah City.

You have a unique chance to help develop the first decentralized state. Become instructors, help us to organize meet-ups with the Noah community and receive a worthy reward. Contact us if you are willing to help.

Only 2 weeks of quarantine have passed and the world economy can no longer withstand the load. I personally know people who have had to close their businesses that were worth millions. They obviously feel as though the situation is not going away any time soon.

I’m not sure what will destroy humanity faster — Coronavirus or the methods being used to fight it.

I can give one piece of advice, aim for a passive income, just don’t trust your money with banks, they are especially vulnerable now.

Pay attention to QDAO DeFi, you can receive up to 8.31% on passive income, with the help of the program. We are planning updates soon and the conditions will become even more attractive.

I have not shared any feedback from community members for a long time. Today I want to correct this omission:


This week was so eventful. We are looking with great interest to the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If the information was useful, don’t forget to clap and please come right back in a week’s time!

You can always find all our updates first-hand, just follow these links:

Noah BTCNEXT Exchange:

New Noah Blockchain ecosystem:

