Diary Weekly Updates #20

Endless battle with Coronavirus

Noah Coin
Published in
6 min readApr 1, 2020


The Coronavirus quarantine tried to stop us but the development of the Noah Project is unstoppable! We are on the verge of big updates of QDAO DeFi and the main stage of Noah Citizenship sale. This week, we poured some light on our working process, expressed thoughts about COVID-19 and shared some reviews from the Noah community members. Read about all the updates now!

The team of workaholics

We rarely talk about the workflow in a company. This time we decided to open the veil of secrecy so that the community could better understand the amounts of work behind the Noah Project.

Despite the fact that I am only showing you pictures of a beautiful life, I still work.

  • I get up at 5–50 and go to bed at 23–00.
  • I sleep for 7 hours.
  • 23–6 = 17 hours of wakefulness.
  • 12 hours a day I spend working on a computer with 3 monitors.

I do code-review, set tasks for programmers, test the resulting products.

17 hours of wakefulness — 12 hours at the computer => 5 hours I spend WITHOUT a computer, but with a smartphone.

During these 5 hours, I make most of the skype calls, zoom conferences, brainstorms with colleagues.

These 5 hours are usually distributed as follows:

  • 2 hours are spent on breakfast/lunch/dinner.
  • 1 hour is spent spend running.
  • 1.5 hours to devote my walks with family/household chores.
  • I spend 30 minutes flipping a feed on Facebook / Twitter / or learning English.

About meetings:

I have a maximum of 3 meetings a day with potential clients, investors, advisors. In this case, I either work at the computer less or spend less time with my family.

About hobbies:

2 times a week I go to Helicopters pilot school and spend 2 hours for each lesson.

This is what my workday looks like.

Will you tell us about yours?

I and my team are starting work at 5:23 am in Japan / 7:23 am in Australia.

When you see my pictures from my life, probably you are wondering: “is Anton working at all, or is he just having a beautiful life, riding nice cars and never work?”

I am a workaholic, I spend over 12 hours a day in front of my monitors, some of my teammates spend even more than that!

I understood a simple truth when I was 14 years old — if you want a beautiful life = you must work harder!

That is what I am doing every day, even on Saturdays. 12 hours in front of my monitors + 5 hours for skype/zoom calls and constant brainstorms.

But from another point of view — working on a computer is a boring life, no fun, nothing to show you (that is why usually I never share this side of my life).

You should remember that when you see nice pictures in my diaries, I am working 2 times more than the average person to have this life.

But it would be a pure egoism if I’d ignore my team. They are brilliant!

Platinum employees work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Sometimes that has to contribute even more time — real BEASTS! I’m proud to have a team like this.

Conclusion: want to have also a beautiful life — be PREPARED TO WORK HARD, the same as we are.

I have one more thing to share. It’s a profitable offer — we’re looking for instructors to help to organize meetups in Japan. Yes, you hear it well — we’re coming back to see Noah community personally!

If you’re ready to help us, we will reward your efforts with NOAH tokens! Contact us for more information.

The evil plan behind Coronavirus

We look at events in the world and they cause us many contradictions. Therefore, we decided to express our vision of the situation in one of the diaries.

“Democracy” will destroy part of the people under the pretext of artificially derived coronavirus. Basically, these will be pensioners, that create a burden on their “social” economy.

The rest of the “surviving” people, “democracy” will move to a global electronic prison. “Dangerous” fiat money will be withdrawn from circulation under the guise of a malicious virus.

Most likely, they will be replaced by some kind of blockchain to achieve absolute transparency of the life support of a controlled person.

At the same time, there is a “collapse” of stock markets: “democracy” is buying up companies from small to large at a cheap price. Everything else will be erased.

The main task of panic and the media is to turn a thinking person into a puppet for manipulation. So it will be until “democracy” needs it.

No artificial intelligence and no technology will ever replace humans. But “democracy” needs fewer and fewer people…

But what about our children?

Those who do not care, continue to speculate on bitcoins, currencies, stocks and enjoy the handouts of “democracy”.

Those who care, stop the panic, stop and think: not about what they should do for you, but about what you have to do. And do what you can.

COVID-19 and the Noah community thoughts

There are many deadly diseases in the world but it is Coronavirus that receives the most attention. We continued to share our thoughts on this subject and also combined them with reviews of Noah Citizens.

The number of Coronavirus victims exceeded 10,000 people. Europe has not yet been able to effectively fight the disease. There is information that a strain common in Italy, mutated into a more dangerous form.

I am pleased to know that the Japanese authorities can prevent the massive spread of COVID-19 — in the last 4 days only 100 people have been infected, and the number of people who have recovered is constantly growing.

I have a VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL NOAH HOLDERS! Please read it, it’s for your own good!

NOAH tokens swap

If you haven’t done it yet — You have the last opportunity to finish the swap of the OLD NOAH tokens » to the NEW “NOAH.Platinum” tokens in 3 coming days.

If you need to swap your tokens — please, write now to:


this is a link for LINE CHANNEL, at the bottom of the screen you will see 6 buttons, you should press button “スワップ”

Lost tokens

If your tokens are lost and you would like to return them back — write to:


this is a link for LINE CHANNEL, at the bottom of the screen you will see 6 buttons, you should press the button “ノアコインを失いました。”


If you want to get the dividends, please write to Mr.John https://t.me/John_Forbes.


If you don’t know how to use and install the Telegram — here the instruction for you:


NOAH wallet

The link to the Noah wallet is the following https://wallet.noah-blockchain.com/

More than 1,000 people died from coronavirus on Friday, most of them in Italy. The mortality rate in this country has already exceeded the China results.

China is getting closer to overcoming COVID-19. The number of infected people is almost not growing, and the number of recoveries is growing rapidly. Chinese authorities said they had already tested the coronavirus vaccine and it has shown good results.

I believe that global quarantine will help slow down the spread of the virus and soon this curve will be refracted. I urge you to be especially careful now and take care of your health!

Today, I want to share with you another review from the Noah community member: https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/kimukimu5222/diary/202003140000/

It’s hard to remember such a massive quarantine. But still, the Coronavirus is spreading at an astonishing speed. I hope that soon we will see the effect of the quarantine and the growth curve will be refracted.

The good news is that the quarantine in the province of Hubei is coming to its end. China managed to defeat COVID-19. Now it’s Europe’s turn to show good results!

Daily Coronavirus statistics:

  • Infected — 350,000
  • Recovered — 100,000
  • Died — 15,000

I want to share with you another review from the Noah community member. I found it interesting, take a look at it:

























Thanks for reading the week’s review. It is very important for us to provide you with useful information! Do not forget to clap to our efforts and come back in a week!

You can always get all our updates firsthand, follow these links:

Noah` BTCNEXT Exchange

New Noah Blockchain ecosystem

