Noah Project Update #29

Noah Coin


Hello! Once again we bring you the latest updates from the Noah Project! Introduction of Noah Family Packs, discussion of Noah City’s future, contests and votes — find more info below!

Crypto news background

The crypto market appears to be leaving the consolidation phase. The price dynamic is accelerating and the major assets are becoming more volatile.

1. After remaining mostly flat for weeks, Bitcoin saw a confident rally and briefly touched the position of over $11,000. The largest cryptocurrency’s gains are steady and BTC might be headed for a new record high.

2. Ethereum left the consolidation phase as well, going over the $310 mark. The coin is currently in the red but more details about Ethereum 2.0 might encourage another upward trend.

3. Meanwhile, institutional investment in cryptocurrencies continues to suffer more losses. Large New York-based hedge fund Tetras Capital announced that it is closing down, following diminishing returns on investments. Some commentators claim that this once again proves the advantages of being a more agile private investor.

Noah Project news

The last two weeks were very busy and many more updates will be coming soon. The Noah Project continues to grow, preparing for the next stage of development. Here are the most important updates:

Noah Family packs

Noah Family packs provide an opportunity to gift Citizenships to your friends and family while receiving bonuses. From 27th July to 27th of August, buyers can get discounts for buying or upgrading two or more Citizenships at a time or even get a free Noah Green Card. The offer will encourage the Noah Community to grow faster and by exploring new heights in the country of millionaires.

Note: The price of Noah Citizenship is subject to change. The time needed for your investment to pay off depends on the current services of the profit sharing programme.

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Discussion on Noah City’s future

The discussion about the next stage of Noah City’s development continues. If you missed the news — Citizens have chosen their top-3 scenarios for the future of the Noah Project in a vote. The plans are:

👉Buying an island and creating a state

👉Building a Digital City

👉Buying a plot of land and developing infrastructure

All of these 3 sections will bring extra income to all existing NOAH citizens.

Now, Citizens should discuss these options and figure out the pros and cons of each. The final vote on the decision will be announced soon.

The discussions are happening in these Telegram groups, feel free to join them now!

🛑NOAH Digital City (

🛑NOAH Ordinary Island (

🛑Land Purchase (

Noah City contests

There are two ongoing contests in the Noah Community — don’t miss your chance to win big prizes!

In the first one, participants are required to comment on the updates, participate in the votes and reply to as many messages from the admins as possible.

The winner will get 250,000 Noah coins!

The second contest is “The Best Noah blogger”. Participants should write an article about the future of Noah City. There are no limitations or strict requirements — just share your thoughts and win!

The author of the best article will get 550,000 Noah coins!

Noah City votes

Two important votes on the security and profitability of Noah City are in progress — your opinion is important to us!

A vote on balancing Supply and Demand — Green card

As you all know, balancing supply and demand is important for any asset, especially for NOAH.P. That is why different Citizenship Statuses have different limitations on withdrawals.

The Noah Management team recently updated the policy based on the citizens’ voting — now it is time to choose the limit for Green Cards. Cast your vote and support the steady development of the Noah Project!

Vote on migrating to a new secure core on Noah Custody wallet v0.93

The Noah Project is constantly improving its security. The latest planned update is migrating to a new secure core and enhancing the protection of private keys via encryption.

If you support the idea — cast your vote now!


The Noah Project is constantly evolving and getting bigger day by day. The next stage of development is about to begin, and the Noah Management Team is going to need the participation of all Citizens and Holders. New opportunities and features are coming soon, stay tuned!

You can always find all our updates first-hand, just follow these links:

Noah BTCNEXT Exchange:

New Noah Blockchain ecosystem:

