
Shaston NoahGuy McNaspy
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2018

Inserting Jesus into everything we do.

Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

I have this thing on instagram, when I create a graphic, I #Jesus. It does not matter If the graphic is about Jesus or not, I still #Jesus. Why?

I want people to know that no matter what I create, Jesus was involved in that creation.

It could be a blog post about the stock market.

Jesus was there with me during that creation.

Jesus is my homedog.

I love the digital age and the online communities it has created.

I want to be apart of those communities and make a difference with Jesus.

Because without Him, I am useless.

From creative work(writing, design, photography, digital media), to business, I am dedicated to involving Jesus.

I want Him to shine in everything I do.

One day when I publish my first book or start my dream business and build my first software product, people will ask, “I did you do it?” Or, “What was your inspiration?”

I will say…….. “#Jesus.”

Seek Peace. Digital Peace.

Join the movement. #Jesus in everything you do online or offline.

