Reduce Your Portion Size

Shaston NoahGuy McNaspy
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2018
“Fresh Italian pizza with cheese, olives, and pepperoni” by Carissa Gan on Unsplash

You probably thought I was talking about diet huh?

No this post is about simplifing life.

You see it is easy, especially in 2018, to over fill our plates in life.

Not only do I eat too much pizza, but I am guilty of over committing in life.

We push our chests out and say, “I can do it all.”

Then somewhere down the line we find ourselves in an anxiety attack from all the commitments we have trapped ourselves with.

Family, friends, Church, work, business, networking, entertainment, volunteering.

The list goes on.

So here’s a play from my book to help lesson your load in life.

Here are my priotites:




Vision(Family Vision, Entrepreneurial Vision)

Health(Diet, Excersise)




Inside each priority there are boundaries.

The temptation is to make everyone happy.

That is an impossible task.

My inlaws would love us to drive 3 hours every month to visit, I am probably disappointing them.

It does not fit on my plate.

When it comes to people, my first priority is my wife and daughter.

That means prioritizing time with them above all others.

Your boss wants to promote you head up a new department, does it fit into your vision?

A job opportunity requires a heavy amount of travel, and keeps you away from your family. If your family is a priority, you know it is not the right opportunity.

Take a look at your plate and see what can be taken off.

Time is precious, reduce your portion size of life being consumed.

Seek Peace. Digital Peace.

