You Do Not Need Luck

Shaston NoahGuy McNaspy
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2018
Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash

St. Patty’s day is approaching.

Many people believe that you need luck to succeed in this world.

You do not need luck.

You need Faith and Discipline.

Faith, meaning relying on The Creator to carry you and give you fulfillment.

Without God’s love we will always chase something without peace.

Jesus fill’s that hole in our hearts and over fills our cup.

We can be successful without worshipping success.

Alongside Faith, is Discipline.

Christian or not, everyone should agree that we can always improve our discipline.

The discipline to wake up early to excercise, read or write.

The discipline to eat healthy consistently and avoid the temptation for sweets.

The discipline to take a break from entertainment to work on our skills and passions.

The discipline to save for the future.

As we continue the 2018 adventure, remember that you do not need luck to succeed.

You simply need faith and discipline.

Seek Peace. Digital Peace.

