My Media Habits: An Analysis

Noah Jacobs
Noah’s BCA 332
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

I spend an average of 4 hours and 13 minutes on my phone every day. This surprises me because I thought I spent more than that amount of time on my phone. My phone is a terrible distraction and I often find myself on it when I should be working on homework.

On average I pick my phone up 102 times a day. It was unbeknownst to me that I picked up my phone that much. I’m sure a major contributing factor to that number is when I check the time. I don’t own a watch so the main way I check the time is on my phone.

The least surprising statistic to me was my YouTube screen time. I use YouTube the most out of all the social media I have. I spend an average of 9 hours and 30 minutes a week on it and a daily average of an hour and a half. I spend the second most time on Snapchat with a weekly average of 9 hours and 20 minutes.

When my parents were in college people would exchange phone numbers as their main form of communication. Now, in today’s era, people collect each other’s Snapchats instead.

The first app I use after a pickup tends to be Snapchat but the second most used app is Spotify. This makes sense because I will pickup my phone multiple times a day to change the song I am listening to.

My 5 most used apps in general are YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, Spotify and Tinder in that order. I enjoy posting memes on Facebook so that explains why it is the third most used app.

Spotify does not qualify as a social media, my fifth most used social media is Instagram. I will occasionally scroll through Instagram when I’m really bored. Every now and then I will make a post on Instagram but that is not a common thing I will do when I open the app.

I am still surprised that I use tinder more than Instagram. One look at the infographic above will show you that I use Snapchat and Youtube way more frequently than the rest.



Noah Jacobs
Noah’s BCA 332
Editor for

Student at CMU currently taking BCA 332 (1/22/2021)