Noahswap New Year Carnival begins!

⏰ Event time: January 2nd — January 9th, 2024

Captain Noahswap
2 min readJan 2, 2024


Happy New Year to the Noahswap fam! 🎉 To kick off an incredible 2024, the Noahswap team has organized 3 exciting events for everyone to join in and celebrate. Let’s start this year with fun and engagement!

🌟Event 1: New user exclusive, 15-day 120% annualized bonus 🌟

Conditions: Exclusively for new users during the event

💰How to participate:
Link your wallet on Noahswap during the event
2. Access the event page and select any coin to mint
3. Enjoy the 15-day short cycle and up to 120% annualized bonus!

👉 Join here:

🔥Event 2: Invite new users to mint and split $100,000🔥

Invite ≥10 minting users to get 50 NUSD
2. Invite ≥80 minting users to get 500 NUSD
3. Invite ≥150 minting users to get 1,500 NUSD

💰How to participate:
Find your exclusive invitation link
2. Use your invitation link to invite new people to participate in the 15-day product minting
3. If you reach the corresponding minting number, you can receive the corresponding rewards!

New users must complete the minting through the invitation link to be valid.
2. Cheating is not allowed and disqualifies participants from rewards

👉 Join here:

🎉Event 3: Link your wallets to share 100,000 NOAH🎉

Conditions: Exclusively for new users during the event

How to participate:
Link your wallet to the Noahswap.
2. After completing the wallet link, you will receive an airdrop of 5 NOAH (worth $1.67).
3. The total prize pool is 100,000 NOAH, first come first served!

👉 Join here:

Don’t miss out this fun! Join now!

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Captain Noahswap

The official writer for the World's First Crypto Assets Compounding Platform | Live on