BlockParty at #ETHBerlin

Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2018

It’s been over a week since the awesome #ETHBerlin hackathon. We wanted to look back what the team BlockParty was doing during the hackathon.

Mitte x Görlitzer Park open spots handling

Thanks to the great “If you liked it then you shoulda put a dApp on it” attempt by ETHBerlin, we were given opportunities to handle open spots at the Day one events of Factory Mitte and Görlitzer Park.

You didn’t see it on your twitter timeline? Well, that’s probably because it was initially only announced via Peepeth.

We opened up the registration one week prior to the event and all the spots were filled within 3 ~ 4 hours. ETHBerlin was that popular!

This is the first time Jeff Lau and Ramesh Nair administered the process. To make it easy for everybody to spot us, we spent our precious funding from Status Incubate to get 3 x tri-blend T-shirts.

It would have been very difficult to find 20 people out of hundreds of other participants. Thankfully ETHBerlin had a military-grade security and check-in process (where Makoto could not get in without registration either, which was quite refreshing) and they did check-in all on our behalf.

This was a bit of an interesting experience. Even though we 100% trust the accuracy of the ETHBerlin volunteer team (and they shared their check-in process to make it transparent to us), it was the first time our team did not know in advance how the check-in process would function. As we start delegating the check-in process to non-BlockParty members, we need to incorporate ways to make the check-in process more trustless (for example, check-in would require digital signatures from participants so event organisers just cannot tick all boxes).

The results

One event had 100% turn up while the other one had around 60% which I found quite interesting. We tried to reach out to people who did not come to the other event and here were the reasons

  • A: Flight got delayed = 1
  • B: Just decided not to go to the event = 3
  • C: Booked both events and decided to go to the other one = 2
  • D: No replies = 2

Based on the result we can potentially take 2 actions

  1. Increase deposits (the current deposit was around £3~4 which is not a lot)
  2. Warn the user if they try to book into overlapping events

During the hackathon

Both Makoto and Jeff Lau wear the dual hat of BlockParty as well as ENS, so both of us (along with Dean Eigenmann and Ali Azam from Zinc ) had ENS workshop on Saturday.

Jeff did not stop there. Together with Ram and other friends, they hacked the whole nights like many other participants.

Announcing application for using BlockParty at ETHBerlin

Not sure how many people noticed this while busy hacking, but we also announced that we opened up applications to host DevCon4 related sub-events at DevCon4 using BlockParty.

ETHBerlin and Berlin BlockChain week demonstrated how European blockchain companies can unite together to bring awesome events to the Ethereum ecosystem. We learned a lot from ETHBerlin and are hoping to achieve even more at DevCon4. If your organisation is thinking about organising sub-events around DevCon4 and haven’t filled in the application form yet, please to do so at now!

