Participating BlockParty event with a mobile wallet

Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2018

I created a 5 min tutorial video + step by step guide of how to participate BlockParty with a mobile browser called “Cipher Browser”.

0. Before you start

One of the biggest hurdle of using BlockChain based dApp (Decentralised App). For testing purpose, Ethereum provide multiple test networks such as Ropsten, Rinkeby and Kovan. In this blog post, we will use “Rinkeby” network.

Watch to find out how to receive Rinkeby testnet Ether or just ask some to @makoto_inoue after you setup the app.

1.1 Search “Cipher Browser” from AppStore/Google Play

1.2 Create Wallet

1.3 Write down your password

This is actually called “Seed” or “mnemonic”. Unlike password, you cannot change nor lose it so please save in somewhere secure place and do NOT share with anyone.

1.4 Type each word to prove you did

You can skip this step if you like but make sure you secure it.

2. Send some Ether to the App

Pressing “Receive” will pop up QR code. You can either ask your friend to scan QR code so that they can send Ether to you, or tapping the code will copy the address into clipboard which you can send.

3.1 Click “Setting” icon and pick “Network”

3.2 Pick “Rinkeby” network

3.3 Click “Browser navigation” Icon, and type BlockParty URL at address bar and click “Enter” of your keyboard

Alternatively you can type the url at “Search or type URL” box. If you are typing URL, don’t forget to put “http://” on the filed, otherwise it tries to search

3.4 Type your twitter name and press “RSVP”

3.5 Press “Approve”

It will come up with lots of scary looking info but all it’s saying is to confirm how much Ether you are sending from which address to which.

3.6 Wait 30 sec (it’s like dial up modem days if you remember), then boom! you are in.

