
Where is everyone? Why you feel like no one is around? Are you lost?

Nobody But Me
Nobody Knows
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2022


You live in a house with four people, yet why do you feel so alone. No one once ever asked if you are still okay or offered to help. They let you drown all by yourself and let do everything by yourself.

You have tried to reach out and says “I’m really tired” and the funny thing is instead of asking why, what’s wrong, or is there something we can do? All they did is let you feel that your emotions are invalid and you don’t have the right to let out how exhausted you are.

Have you experienced or was there a time in your life where you wanted for someone to reach out and help you because you no longer can handle everything?

The sad thing is you are and still are like that to this point. You feel like dying is the only way to escape. Maybe if you die they will all realize how important you are and how good you are until everything is too late. You even prayed to sleep and never woke up, maybe by then they will understand how exhausted you are and how no one helps.

Maybe if that happens, they will all realize that you exist, got tired and no one is ever there.

“I am tired..”

“I am so tired..”

“I am really tired..”

“I feel so exhausted..”

Can someone save you from this life? Is there anyone even listening to you? Is there someone willing to pull you up?

Please know that you tried.

