
Nobody But Me
Nobody Knows
2 min readApr 21, 2023


Have you ever felt tears flowing down your face and you just don’t know why?

Tears at random times and ended up crying for no good reason. I have been noticing myself lately in those states, sometimes I don’t even know what makes me so sad that I can’t just stop crying.

Is it because I’m not satisfied with what I am today?

Is it the people around me?

Is it how I think they think of me?

Is it the circumstances that lead me here?

Is it because of everything?

Or is it simply because of me?

Today, the day, a few weeks ago and a month before I just cry and cry, and could never stop crying, maybe I got so tired with all the tears and it drifts me away and fall asleep.

Every time I feel sad and no one to talk to, writing makes me less heavy. Even if no one is there to listen or I can’t share it to anyone, by writing it makes me feel light. I don’t even know why I feel or think it is heavy.

There are people saying that my writing is depressing and could trigger someone else that I should refrain myself from publishing things like this. I even read once that “get medical help and force yourself with happy thoughts”, ironic.

Writing is the only place where I can feel free and if I can’t write my thoughts where else could I go? I don’t know anymore. If you could just let me write. I’m not trying to trigger anyone. I just want to write what I feel at the moment and ease some of it. Will you let me?

If you feel sad instead of doing and thinking stupid make some time and just write it down. It will make you less lonely and light.

