
Nobody But Me
Nobody Knows
2 min readSep 27, 2022


How foolish of me to believe that someone out there will stay till the end and will love unconditionally.

I thought things would be different and maybe this time I will be genuinely happy but then I am wrong. I thought there was love where I will not feel insecure, unworthy or question why it is given to me, however my hunch is unfortunately right.

All this time I thought your love is real. I thought maybe it would last and unfaltering. I thought you could be the one and we could be a perfect match, then I thought maybe we could grow old together and see the horizon till the end but then I was wrong.

Having my hopes high and a desire for genuine love is like impossible to have and just a snap it’s all gone.

Did you know how exhausting it is? Did you know how draining all of this? I bet you don’t because you never care or love me in the slightest.

The first person who I say ‘I love you’ leave me crying and question my whole purpose and now you.

Why the odds are never on my favor? Never get the chance to feel love or be loved.

Did I do something wrong in the past? That now I have to repent of not having the chance to experience real and authentic love. Where no one seems to care that I exist and truly care about my existing?

People may think that I am a fool for not reaching out. I have tried yet no one is extending their hands and so I am here writing it all to ease the pain.

