
Nobody But Me
Nobody Knows
2 min readOct 5, 2023


I always have this gut feeling where people don't like me for some reason. I’m not sure why they don’t like me maybe its the way I talk and dismissed stupid thoughts or they just simply don’t like me at all.

I think the most annoying trait about myself is I tend to be aware of my surroundings and can notice small things and even the tiniest details about it, which is why if there is a sudden change I can somehow sense it right away. That’s how I can tell something is off the way they behave and talk around me.

Maybe I have this aura where I can effortlessly make other people not like me which I don’t really care. At first I was upset and there was a time when I even cried because for some reason that person was so nice to me and I even consider him as my older bother though I don’t particularly like him at all but suddenly everything change. Like who knows what I did wrong or what he heard from someone else.

Then one day I realize the reason behind and funny thing is he did not even tried to confirm if that was true because the root cause wasn’t even me and not even my fault.

He thought I was the one who gossip about “him” but in fact it was never me, it was someone else close to me and one of our friends. At that time I was only a mere bystander and not paying much attention, and yet he act like I did it so whatever.

