All about the NUS Overseas Colleges — Beijing

Published in
1 min readSep 25, 2017

If you’re reading this, hello there!

We’re a bunch of NUS students who have been privileged with the opportunity to live out our entrepreneurial pursuits in the most dynamic Asian startup ecosystem — the Chinese capital that is Beijing.

Working in various new ventures and getting to experience being in various startup roles out there, as well as taking entrepreneurial classes at the renowned Peking and Tsinghua Universities — life has never been more exciting for most of us.

Why Beijing, you must be wondering. Or perhaps even asking, why China. Taobao, WeChat, Alipay — bet you’ve heard of those. But have you ever questioned what exactly made them so successful? Well, that’s why we’re here!

There’s not a day that passes where we don’t ask ourselves how is it possible we only just got to realize the immense innovative and creative potential the Chinese possess. What’s more, the Chinese’ hunger and drive for breakthrough successes are definitely attitudes and mindsets we want to develop within ourselves. Even our daily interactions with the locals, it’s been humbling — it feels like everyday we are discovering something new about our Asian culture.

So stay tuned to this space as we begin documenting our journey here on the NUS Overseas Colleges Beijing edition. We will be sharing our experiences here — our internships and classes, our adventures, entrepreneurship-related matters — basically everything and anything about livin’ life up in the Chinese capital!

P.S. We welcome comments about anything and everything Beijing :)




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