5 Resources Colorado Immigrants Should Know About

Daisy Ranney Smith
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Daisy Ranney Smith 13 February, 2023

  1. Immigrant and Refugee Center of Northern Colorado- The Immigrant and Refugee Center of Northern Colorado is an operation that provides necessary services to immigrants new to the area. They can help with paperwork and the citizenship process, as well as education and language resources, or simply provide basic needs that newly immigrated individuals might need. Navigating new communities can be incredibly difficult, but this resource center in Greeley, CO has a wide variety of staff members whose best interest is to help those who need it, move forward.
Image of immigrant and refugee center of northern Colorado from their website

2. RMIAN- Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network- The RMIAN works to support and ensure justice for adult immigrants in immigrant detention and children who have suffered from abuse, violence, or neglect. This non-profit organization seeks alternatives and the best options for individuals in low-income situations. They stress the importance of knowledge in legal rights and effective representation. They work to promote more humane and effective aspects of the US immigration system and are passionate about justice for immigrants. They offer programs dedicated solely to children and free legal help of all kinds.

image of the logo from RMIAN website

3. The IRC- International Rescue Committee- The organization IRC helps people affected by humanitarian crises and provides tools and help to survive, recover, and rebuild their lives. This is not solely a local organization. There are 40 other locations across the world, but the one based in Denver is a great resource for anyone to know about depending on what kind of help they demand. The IRC focuses on not only their patron’s health and well-being but also works with government bodies, local volunteers, and civil society actors to help immigrants, refugees, or people in need, interpret their past life experience into assets that are valuable in current communities.

image of logo from Denver International Committee website

4. The 2–1–1 Colorado- The 211 is an online directory that provides services of all kinds for immigrants, refugees, or just people facing adversity. For instance, they have citizenship classes, refugee resettlement services, interpretation, and translation services, and much more. There is also a section to talk or message someone directly if the service you require is unavailable. The website has specific help locations based on your region/county to provide the most conducive kind of assistance. 211 has helped many people from simple things such as just getting a bus pass to having transportation to and from work, to connecting individuals to resources when they’re under financial stress. It is a great resource for anyone facing hardship and is simple and easy to maneuver.

Image logo from the website of 211

5. Colorado Department of Education- The CDE or the Colorado Department of Education has an entire page dedicated to migrant resources and links that lead directly to the help that one might need. For instance, it can provide the rights of migrant students in United States school systems, which could be critical knowledge for new students. The process of integration into a new school system can be incredibly difficult and many people are unsure of where to go to find help. This is a great resource that is helpful at the state, but also national levels.

Image of logo from website of Colorado department of education

