On the Spot — endless laughs created through improvisation

Julia Giesenhagen
The NOCO Times
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2023

By: Julia Giesenhagen

Ram’s Improv Comedy troop preparing for their next skit. March 4th in Clark A103 lecture hall. Photo taken by Julia Giesenhagen.

On a Saturday night, when Colorado State University’s campus is left as a ghost town, one could hear shouting and laughter emanating from one of Clark A’s lecture halls.

If one were to venture towards the classroom, they would find themselves in a room packed full of onlookers waiting for the Ram’s Improv Comedy show to commence.

On CSU’s campus, you will find many clubs, but not many will supply constant laughter like the Ram’s Improv Comedy club. This club participates in various live shows organized by the improv troop and weekly practices, often open to any curious participant.

During their most previous show, held on March 4th, the improv troop had a full house. One could feel the excitement in the room from beginning to end. An audience member by the name of Sierra Venditti expressed her love for the shows.

“Since becoming a student at CSU I have come to every show,” said Venditti. “My friend is in the club, and I love coming to support her, but I also really enjoy the things they come up with and how well they can keep a skit going.”

To an onlooker, it may seem like ideas always come to the mind of the performer, but as explained by troop member Christian Zeimet, “it can be hard getting started and getting the creative juices flowing.”

When watching, one would never notice any hesitation since everything simply folds into place with each new character and plot added. Is it the anticipation for what comes next? The shock factor? Or is it the sheer talent on the stage that keeps everyone so engaged?

It may be everything working together, but a large factor includes the audience engagement. As explained by a new member of the troop, Nico Diarte, he found that having an audience was a much different experience.

“When you are practicing everyday with the same group of people you get into a routine,” said Diarte. “But with an audience you have a more diverse group of people that you can play to, and when you get a good reaction, it gets you energized to keep going.”

With such an engaged and rowdy crowd, it was easy to feel the energy pulsating throughout the room. Diarte described it as “inspiring.”

There is more to come from the Ram’s Improv Club. They are hoping to host more shows before the end of the school year to continue making others laugh and to share their comedy with an audience that simply keeps growing.

For any that may be interested in improv, both Zeimet and Diarte mentioned that making people laugh is very fulfilling, but to do so you need to work as a team.

“The main thing people should know coming into improv is that we are a team first and foremost,” said. Zeimet. “We are not here to be more funny than the people around us. We are here to have fun and make our teammates better.”

