Week 13 : Google Datastore support

Rajika Imal
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2017

According to the milestone set in last week, I’ve worked on adding APIs related to Google Datastore. This service is the equivalent service for well known DynamoDB provided by AWS. But there are few things to be keep in mind when dealing with these two NoSQL based database services, because there are few differences in these two services, therefore in their APIs as well.

Google Datastore provides transactions. Therefore it has ACID concept. DynamoDB on the other hand doesn’t support transactions. Also Google Datastore has foreign key concept, where DyanamoDB doesn’t support foreign keys. Therefore these two services are not actually the same. But there are functionalities where we can consider as similar operations. Following were the APIs added to Google datastore in this initial implementation,

  • Query
  • Create item
  • Delete item
  • Update item

Following is the issue reported on GitHub issue tracker and it’s respective pull request,

For next week’s implementation I will add AWS DyanmoDB APIs to NodeCloud. See ya !



Rajika Imal

💻 Software Engineer 🛠️ Tooling infra 💝 Delightful products https://theruntime.dev