NodeGui v0.13.0

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2020

There has been a drastic improvements in NodeGui since the last release announcement of v0.2.0 in September 2019. This post aims to summarize some of the major ones.

🏋️‍♀️ Lots of core Qt widgets and features

Some of the native widgets in NodeGui 0.13.0 and up
List of widget and core features in v0.13.0

✨ Includes prebuilt binaries: No more compilation step.

Since NodeGui is a library with native Nodejs addon, the C++ part of the library needed to be built on installation. This meant you needed cmake and other c++ compilation tools to be installed. Since v0.13.0 this is no longer the case. Now the core library ships with prebuilt binaries. So in most cases you should be up and running right after you run npm install. Try the latest nodegui-starter or react-nodegui-starter to check this out! 🚀

No more compilation step

🎉 Includes support for native Windows plugins along with existing Unix platforms

v0.2.0 introduced plugin support for unix platforms. This release makes sure native plugins can now be built for all platforms. This means you no longer need to wait for a feature to be added onto the core library, instead anyone can now build third party native plugins for NodeGui. This is heavily inspired from React Native’s architecture.
This will ensure that the core library remains lean and will allow more easy way for contributions. If you are really eager to know how it would look you can take a look at Now that plugin works for all platforms. Detailed docs on how to build them would be up soon.

🤖 Install latest master release quickly

Now you can install the latest release right after a PR is merged using:

npm i

This is an auto release built using Github actions.

📖 Shiny new Documentation website

Since its initial release documentation website has been updated to use Docusaurus v2 . This brings a new design update that is easier to read. Still a long way to go. Apart from design it also add support for automatic docs generation via Typescript and Typedoc. This is fairly readable but we need a lot of help to make it better. More example code and screenshots will be added soon.
Link to the new docs website:

There are many more improvements and features than what is listed above. Try the NodeGui version v0.13.0 at I would like to thank all contributions and backers who have sponsored the project without whom this project wouldn’t be possible.

NodeGui is a young open source project which requires your support. It is fairly straight forward to contribute to the project and I encourage everyone to give it a try.



NodeGui : I have moved from medium to my personal blog here. Follow me on twitter :