NodePool: Building a more diverse node pooling ecosystem for the Chainlink network.

Finn Judell
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2019

First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of our team and community members who have helped support this project. We’re so pleased by the response from the community and are thrilled to announce an exciting future for NodePool. In this blog post, we will go over a general overview of the project, some recent updates and outline our plan for allowing users to stake LINK with our nodes in a trust-less manner.

NodePool’s vision is to help further decentralize the Chainlink network and lower the barrier for entry for Chainlink token holders to contribute to the oracle network by utilising their LINK tokens to act as collateral to Smart Contracts connecting to off-chain data. Our Node-as-a-Service platform allows users to connect to “high demand” adapters without any required technical knowledge. Our network of secure Chainlink nodes acts as a “Secure Execution Environment” for Smart Contracts to validate API’s. At, Node reputation is our #1 priority. We aim to build a strong reputation within the Chainlink network. In theory, this will give our Nodes a higher volume of jobs and increase the ROI of our nodes.

“A truly decentralized oracle network requires a diverse and flourishing ecosystem of secure nodes”

We are so pleased to announce we that our Ropsten node is currently in the process of being reviewed by the Chainlink team. We expect some delays on this as we understand that there is quite a large waiting list for node reviews. To give some further insight on the technical infrastructure of our node — Our node is currently running on Amazon Web Services with a failsafe in a seperate region. We have plans to further decentralize our node network with other cloud providers in the near future however, it is important to us that we ensure that our infrastructure is completely hardened on the first cloud provider before switching our failover node over to another provider. To support this, we are pleased to announce that we have been accepted as a Partner for Googles “Google Cloud for Startups Program”. We look forward to working with Google Cloud in the near future.

Learn more about our NodePool staking app

The truth is, the barrier for entry to build a Chainlink node is quite high. Chainlink node operators need to have fairly strong technical experience in order to build a secure and trustworthy execution environment for API’s. The average un-technical “hobbyist” node operator will likely get a low reputation on the network and have a significantly lower profit margin over using third party NaaS applications. Although we encourage people to run their own nodes, we have realised that the general public is not technically skilled enough to run a secure Chainlink node.

…so let us take care of it

  • We take care of regular updates and general system maintenance.
  • Connect to privately sourced “high demand” Chainlink adapters, maximising profitability.
  • Gain access to advanced node database, see real-time data analytics on your node such as your node up-time, dated job list, bandwidth and an average ROI estimate.
  • Either re-invest your staking rewards back into your node or receive payouts via crypto or Paypal.
  • Own your private keys, connect to our nodes via Metamask.

Users who wish to access our Node-as-a-Service product will subscribe to a monthly payment. This monthly payment varies on the volume of Chainlink that a user wishes to stake in our nodes. Further details on pricing will come at a later date.

We may not be able to let everyone use their LINK as collateral for our node at once, so we suggest you sign up to our mailer so you can be the first to know when staking goes live.

You can sign up on our website here:

Our Partners

Bitbroker Labs

NodePool is a proud project of the Bitbroker Labs incubation hub. We are able to leverage Bitbroker Labs network of advisors, investors and skilled team of founders to work on NodePool.

Visit our Website here:

CLC Group

We are also pleased to announce have established a partnership with CLC Group. We will be the first third party node to be operating on the Honeycomb network. Our node will operate along-side the in-house CLC Group node in relaying API’s to Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Visit their website:


For an ETH node, we are using a Fiews endpoint. We are huge fans of Fiews and are very impressed by their nodes up-time so far. We look forward to an exciting future of working together with Fiews.

Visit their Website:

Google Cloud

We have been accepted as a partner with Google Cloud for their Google Cloud Startups program. As huge supporters of the Chainlink network themselves, a partnership with NodePool was in mutual interest. We look forward to building much of our infrastructure on Google Cloud.

Meet our team

NodePool is building tools and services for the Chainlink network. We’re actively working to grow our network and touch base with people or companies with aligned interests. Feel free to reach out to us via email or social media, we would love to hear from you.


