Smart Questions To Ask An Interviewer At The End Of Every Job Interview

Raghuraman Kesavan
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2018

Meaning for Interview — a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.

Finding the right job through the interview is not a piece of cake, Person who is attending the interview should answer questions and should create a good impression by asking right questions to the interviewer. In this post, we will look into some of the smart and brilliant questions to ask an interviewer at the end of the job interview.

Following are some of the questions which will create a good impression for the interviewer, however, these questions should be asked in a nice manner and good time to ask these questions will be the end of the job interview.


1. What will be my day-to-day responsibilities be?

It is a general question which we can be raised to the interviewer, This question shows your interest in the job.

2. How do you evaluate success here?

Another good question to ask an interviewer, it shows your positive intent.

3. How would you describe the company’s culture?

This question will help you to understand more about the company and it’s working culture.

4. What do you like most about working in this company?

This question will help you to understand more about good things in the company.

5. What is the biggest challenge this company is facing today?

Another big question which will help you to understand the company challenges and again it will show your positive intent to work for the company.

6. How do you think I can help the organization with the above challenges?

This question will help you to understand your role in the company.

7. Can you tell me more about people who will be part of my team?

if you are attending an interview for the role of lead then you can ask this question.

8. Are Employees given continuous education and training opportunities?

This question will help you to know about your growth in the organization.

9. Is there anything else I could provide you to help make your decision?

Another Good question which helps you to get the job.

10. Where do you see the company in three years and how would my role contribute to it?

This question will help you to understand your role in the company.

Originally published at on December 1, 2019.

