My new Dev Stories podcast

Grae Sutherland
Published in
1 min readDec 28, 2017

I’m a radio amateur. This is a global hobby all about electronics and radios. We make radios, use them to communicate across the world, join together in clubs, provide disaster communications, launch and use satellites and even bounce radio signals off the moon. There’s a hell of an interesting and strong community amongst radio amateurs and a few good podcasts as well.

One podcast in particular stands out for me. QSO Today by Erik Guth, in which he has a conversation with a radio amateur in each episode. He asks them the same questions each time, covering the where, why, how of their years with the hobby. I find it compelling to just listen to these often ordinary, sometimes inspiring stories. I don’t need to hear from famous people, just ordinary people. Ordinary stories are ripe with interesting points of view, tips, wisdom from years spent with something.

Therefore I’m going to produce a podcast provisionally called Dev Stories.

I’ll interview a range of software engineers across the discipline(s) and ask them those questions about how they started, why they care, what it means for them etcetera. My feeling is that the interesting stories are in there, in every developer there is some wisdom. I’m hoping it will be a surprising and interesting and maybe even useful listen.

I’ll publish more on this as I get it stared in 2018.



Grae Sutherland

Engineer with humans, hearts & organizations. Art of the possible. Change & Becoming.