How To Find Great Blockchain & Cryptoasset Projects — Pt.1

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3 min readMar 28, 2018

Let’s be honest. There is a tonne of poor projects in the blockchain and crypto-sphere.

It’s time to go back to the start. We can help.

TL;DR: Use this framework to screen blockchain & cryptoasset projects — fast.

Who is this for: Investors, Project Participants, Advisors and anyone interested in blockchain and cryptoassets.

Think of a delicious cake. We all know what a fantastic one tastes like. We may not know what ingredients and techniques have been used to bring the cake together in such a way that blows our mind.

How do you know a great cryptoasset project vs a poor one?

Following is Part 1 of a 2 part post. It is a simplification of ingredients required to screen and get to those mind-blowing cryptoasset projects — fast.

🔵 Part 1 provides a flavour of the Cryptoasset Analysis Framework from an investor & advisor point of view.

🔵 Part 2 will provide a deep dive across the ingredients and techniques within the framework.

You may be wondering why cryptoasset instead of cryptocurrency?

The reason is straightforward.

The landscape has rapidly evolved. Cryptocurrencies no longer make up the majority of the blockchain and distributed ledger eco-system. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) no longer solely offer the ability to raise funding.

This revolution is no longer about money. It is about widespread freedom to own and trade any asset in the world.

The words of Anthony Pompliano have never rung truer.

Cryptoassets are here to stay.

When you screen a cryptoasset company or project, there is a blend of Financial, Technical and Economic engineering in the mix. When crafted with the right planning and direction, can provide significant competitive advantages.

The ability to quickly screen opportunities that cross our paths has never been more important. The cryptoasset and blockchain space changes lightning fast. Poor projects are coming at us from all angles.

Cryptoasset Analysis Framework

Use this to find great blockchain and cryptoasset projects

At its core. The Cryptoasset Analysis Framework provides the ingredients to help you quickly understand an opportunity. The cakes that blow our mind. The cryptoasset projects that do the same. Those are the ones we all seek.

Look out for Part 2 where we deep dive into the ingredients and techniques within the framework.

If you see a missing ingredient, tell us about it.🔍

Time to get that cake.

Having people take some of their time to read our work and share their knowledge means a lot to us.

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Nodeunlock is a straight to the point education and knowledge sharing platform. We unlock blockchain and cryptoasset technology in a digestible way. |




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