Hello! I am Andrey Klimenko

Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2018

Dear reader! I welcome you on NODR Blog and I’m happy to introduce our business to you.

Andrey Klimenko, CEO at Teleport Global AG

My name is Andrey Klimenko, I live in Russia, and for the past 10 years, I’m the co-founder of IT companies. Today, Teleport Global AG is developing two digital projects: Teleport Media, WebRTC live streaming solution for Internet broadcasters and NODR, its blockchain-driven version.

Our company provides the solution for over-the-top TV and VOD services that allow them to deliver video with higher quality to a much higher number of their customers. It is the technology of building a peer-to-peer CDN on top of video watchers’ browsers in real-time via WebRTC protocol.

Why did my team and I start to write a blog about it? Because nowadays we are working on the project that may influence the very core of how the traffic of the internet flows, and for that reason, we believe we must share our vision with you.

What are we currently working on?

Today’s goal of Teleport is to merge its already developed traffic delivery technology (Teleport Media) with blockchain (NODR). We do this to create the open marketplace where millions of people on the globe can install NODR software to become the Node of NODR CDN receiving NODR tokens in exchange for the bandwidth.

Approximately each internet connection on the planet is used for only 10–15%. The rest stays idle while people spending their time working, traveling or enjoying life with friends and family. On the other hand, there are thousands of video streaming services like YouTube, Netflix or Weibo and many others that are striving to deliver video in the highest quality to all of their viewers. Despite billions of dollars invested each year, CDNs fail to deliver video at the very vital moments when something important happens. Because with the unexpected increase of viewers the system breaks down.

The solution is right here — it is a peer-to-peer network of nodes that uses this “sleeping” bandwidth and becomes bigger and bigger as the audience grows.

Can Teleport build such a network of nodes without blockchain technology? Yes. We can only store all the information necessary for nodes reward in a centralized database. However, in comparing to this idea, blockchain provides a few key advantages:

1. Instant reward for nodes. CDN customers are paid within 1–3 months after services were provided. Blockchain allows a node owner to get cryptocurrency right at the moment the services have been provided. Tokens may be instantly exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or fiat money.

2. Global payments with ease. While CDN customer may be located in one country, its viewers may reside in any of 200+ countries. As a consequence, the serving nodes may be located anywhere. Transferring reward in dozens of fiat currencies across the globe may be deadly challenging. As for tokens, it makes global payments plain and simple.

3. Network effect on the income of everyone. Open marketplace driven by public blockchain enables anyone to join the network. Anyone can start CDN business with no servers in possession, bring customers and provide service using the entire network of nodes. Therefore nodes receive much more tasks, and CDN customers and re-sellers receive access to the global scale bandwidth resources.

However, to achieve it all Teleport needs to face a lot of tough challenges. In the following blog post, we will describe it one-by-one, along with the way we have chosen to solve it.

Why we? For the last two years, we have been developing the technology offering distributed delivery for online video streaming. Teleport WebRTC Live Streaming brings down the costs involved in delivering online video content by dispersing most of the traffic across a distributed network, a technology that media companies in Russia and CIS are already using successfully today.

It was a challenging task — you must take into account a large number of constantly changing parameters like devices connectivity, bandwidth availability, etc. Peers are always appearing and disappearing within the swarm. And all this to replace well-operated servers with many resources and design a particular software?

At first sight, it may seem just crazy. However, there are two main inventions of Teleport that totally disrupt the way the traffic is delivered to your device:

- Now there are multiple sources of the traffic which are connected to your device, instead of just one;

- The quality of streaming is measured inside the device, instead of being controlled elsewhere.

Even if one of many sources of the traffic becomes slow, the quality control immediately switches the device to another one. And so on. Like if an ant fails to deliver a heavy load, other ants help him to accomplish his mission. While each of ants is relatively weak, their coordinated work cannot be efficient.

Let me make a point here. Before you start working on the blockchain part, first you need to complete this task. Why? Because only during this you may uncover pitfalls that at first stay unseen on the way to the successful p2p CDN solution. The blockchain is “just the Billing.” Which is very important, but… things that happen on the traffic delivery layer, things that “are to account by Billing” are far more critical. That is why we feel very confident to achieve our goals. We have already made the basement to build the house.

What is our ultimate vision?

We believe one day each of your devices will support many connections to neighbor devices. Via these connections, you will receive the majority of content you need here and now. Devices you are connected with will upload it to you as fast as possible. Also, vice versa, your device will share this content because it will be the fastest way to deliver traffic.

As the payment for such traffic exchange, we introduce the cryptocurrency. NODR cryptocurrency. Stay tuned!

