A New ‘Ode To Joy’

#NoDust on Brexit
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2017

By Ian Miles, Abingdon
Freely adapted from Friedrich Schiller (1785)

Brothers, sisters, stand together
Free from tribal tyranny,
Peaceful friendships no more sundered,
Joined in steadfast unity:
Share alike one open future,
Care for each around, among;
Meet what fate bestows, with courage,
Greet our world in every tongue!
Hail our choice of roads and roamings,
Lands and forests, sands and seas:
Sport and leisure, arts and treasures,
Triumphs and discoveries;
May all dwell content in safety,
Unoppressed and free from pain,
Striving, learning, seeking, yearning,
Evermore as one Remain!

Ian explained in a closed Facebook Group: “Stirred and spurred by the recent, thwarted ‘scratch’ Remainer choir at Westminster, and with a nod to Schiller, I have drafted a version of the ‘Ode to Joy’ for potential adoption at the National March to Parliament on 25 March.”

His ‘New Ode to Joy’ is shared here with his permission.

Ian is making A5 postcards of the rationale for his New Ode To Joy. To order please email Ian at Remain@iangenuity.org

© 2017 Ian Mills — whatever Ian says goes.

For more info about March 25, 2017 March for Europe visit http://www.uniteforeurope.org/

