Write now to Dominic Grieve QC

Kate Hammer
#NoDust on Brexit
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

5 February 2018

Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA

Dear Mr Grieve

You asked people to signal clearly that they do not wish Britain to leave its membership of the European Union. My MP is a government minister who says he cannot oppose the government. My voice is, as a consequence, not being heard.

Please can you represent those people in constituencies where Conservative MPs do not countenance any disagreement with Her Majesty’s Government’s direction of travel? They too lack a voice.

I look forward to a Meaningful Vote reflecting what Parliament has learned about the terms of the withdrawal deal. I hope that the eventual vote based on evidence and fact is one that keeps Britain within the world’s largest single trading bloc and the continent’s most successful peace project ever.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Katherine C Hammer FRSA

Encl. Your recent interview in The Independent

From “Political Courage” a 4-min film by Kate Hammer for #NoDust

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Kate Hammer
#NoDust on Brexit

semiotician using human sciences to power innovation @ www.semiostories.com, clarity+courage coach, commercial storyteller