I Am Not Etched In Stone

Carol Warady
Published in
1 min readMar 3, 2018

I am not like a statue, never changing, no matter how glorious a work of art it may be.

Contrary to what one might think, I have not set in my ways.

I am discovering as I age, that I don’t “have to” anything. There is a whole lot of “I want”, and therefore, I do.

I have come to realize that aging doesn’t feel a particular way. I don’t feel 61. I simply feel like me. Most of the time me feels like 16, except I know now what I didn’t know then.

I am not my past and I can lay claim to having a lot of past. My past led me here. My past is the path I took. I used to think I took too many detours. Looking back, I don’t see detours. Just path. My path.

I try to be like water. Water can change shape and form. It flows, like our lives should. I am not etched in stone. I am the water, that slowly over time, cascades over, and drips on the stone, and in the emd, shapes the stone.



Carol Warady

Mashup of writer in progress, political junkie,TV lover,animal lover,Charley lover, and the right amount of goofy.Best served w/coffee