My Soap Box Is Not Tested On Animals

Carol Warady
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2018

I saw a meme on Facebook that listed companies that still do animal testing. It’s 2018! At least that’s what my brain said. Looking at the list, I was shocked to see that a company whose moisturizer I use was on the list. I went to look at the bottle and no, there was no little rabbit symbol or other disclaimer on the bottle.

Googling didn’t bring clarity to the issue. Just because there is no rabbit symbol doesn’t mean they test on animals. Some companies outsource their animal testing to China according to PETA. Worse, if the product can be bought in mainland China, the law evidently requires animal testing, so at the very least, the product that is sold there is not cruelty free. Another issue is that while some products don’t do animal testing, their parent company does use animal testing for other products. My head is spinning. I’m only glad that I’m low maintenance. I don’t have a lot of products to worry about.

I was lulled into complacency. I thought animal testing was so last century. Now I’m woke and looking for a remedy for my dry skin.

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Carol Warady

Mashup of writer in progress, political junkie,TV lover,animal lover,Charley lover, and the right amount of goofy.Best served w/coffee