See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me

Carol Warady
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2018

Until you have experienced not being seen, it’s hard to understand what it means.

Of course you see me. I’m a physical being. Not really true but we do seem to get attached to our physical selves.

The space in me, not occupied by flesh and bone, yearns to be seen. I want to be seen and I can feel it when it happens. I also feel it when it doesn’t happen. I prefer when it does.

One could make a case that my need to be seen is simply my ego talking. Human frailty is created by ego. It’s definitely part of the equation. The crazy thing is that most often, how we perceive ourselves, is how we think other people see us. We use other people as a mirror and we believe the reflection to be real. I know it isn’t real. I also know that I am who I am regardless of what other people see. So why do I want to be seen?

Being seen puts something powerful in motion. Being seen, creates a connection. That’s a powerful thing in a universe where everything is connected.

Use that power as often as you can.



Carol Warady

Mashup of writer in progress, political junkie,TV lover,animal lover,Charley lover, and the right amount of goofy.Best served w/coffee