Meet our Network Capacity Advisor Ahmed Shawky, PhD

Mindaugas Rimavičius
1 min readJul 9, 2018


With extensive expertise in Telecommunication Networks and Data Science\Analysis, Ahmed also has a solid education with a BSc in Computer Engineering, a MSc in Networks and Distributed Systems, and a PhD in Networks and Security.

Ahmed’s first job was forecasting Network capacity and building a network (Core, Distribution, Aggregation and Access) for TDC — the largest Internet Service Provider in Denmark. During his time as a Senior Capacity Planning Manager at Akamai Technologies he was introduced to the world of Content Delivery Networks where he subsequently assisted regional teams in realizing capacity plans for a number of strategic locations.

As Ahmed explains, he joined NOIA because of its novel idea to utilize home users’ bandwidth while rewarding them for it. He believes it to be a great way to solve the biggest challenge facing any CDN — deploying servers to increase capacity. “If UBER can be the largest taxi company without owning any cars, and AirBnb can be the largest hotel company without owning any hotels, then I believe NOIA can be the largest CDN provider without any servers.” states Ahmed.

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Originally published at on July 9, 2018.

