NOIA Network Presents Programmable Internet

Mindaugas Rimavičius
3 min readApr 9, 2019


As you may know, NOIA Network started out as a Distributed Peer To Peer Content Delivery Network, governed by blockchain. The fact that we’ve successfully reached over 5000 Noia nodes downloaded with at least 300 of them running at any time sharing over 20TB of spare data capacity didn’t slow us down a bit. It made us think even bigger.

And that moved us to research the Internet infrastructure field even more thoroughly, meet lots of industry experts and company representatives who led us to a new ground of discoveries and opportunities.

During this time we’ve developed and tested an idea of Programmable Internet — a widely dispersed network of Segment routing and IPv6 enabled routers managed by intelligent software-defined routing algorithms.

To put it more simply, our goal is to develop the first Programmable Internet Backbone as a Service in the world.

The network is now being built on our partner data centers and multi-cloud infrastructure. It forms a global backbone that can be programmed using NOIA Platform. And with the help of Segment Routing and IPv6 NOIA SRv6 Network will become the most innovative Network as a Service (NaaS) solution in the networking space.

Programmable Internet sets out to solve the problems of the Internet that are mainly caused by BGP protocol — a primitive protocol that has been used since 1994.

Currently, the Internet is unreliable as almost all software, application or website operators face severe service quality problems related to the Internet’s performance. Global service scalability is slow, non-dynamic and requires multiple infrastructure providers. And, last but not least, Internet suffers from multiple BGP hijacks every day which cause severe privacy breaches and disruptions.

These problems can be easily solved by Programmable Internet backbone as a service — SR and IPv6 enabled network with a user-friendly platform to control and manage your traffic. NOIA Network will provide MPLS quality connectivity and ensure a dedicated zero latency throughput for your needs by utilizing our backbone which is equipped with smart routing algorithms and Segmented Routing.

The Programmable Internet Backbone will allow you to use up to 15 times faster Internet than the public one. It will also use smart routing to always send your traffic through the most optimal routes based on latency, packet loss and other criteria. All this will be possible without upfront infrastructure investments or any further maintenance costs.

Prepare For NOIA IEO!

Our mainnet NOIA ERC-20 will work as a utility token. It will allow the users of NOIA Network Internet backbone Platform to buy and sell Internet access points as transit to any peer globally. NOIA ERC-20 will be released in the coming months.

NOIA ERC-20 distribution will happen via Initial Exchange Offering, which will occur during May and June, 2019.

More details will reach you in the coming weeks.

Learn more about the future of the Internet by visiting our new website!

