NOIA Token Model

Domantas Jaskunas
3 min readJun 25, 2020


In our Mid-Year Co-Founder Update, we stressed the importance of the NOIA token in our ecosystem.

Our technology is now being piloted by some of the largest tech companies in the world. Because the token will be integral to how the Syntropy functions, we want to share some initial details about the token’s implementation.

“Holding NOIA tokens is comparable to owning a piece of the Syntropy economy, including any and all of our existing products at the moment and any products that we might have in the future.”

—Syntropy COO Domantas

Enterprise adoption of the Syntropy Platform can bring enormous demand to our network from day one. To achieve this, we must ensure that using the NOIA token is as easy as possible.

Our token implementation framework is specifically designed to encourage mass adoption by allowing end users to pay in either USD or tokens. Our payment gateway backend ensures that all of these payments directly convert to tokens, whether the user pays in fiat or crypto.

The graphic below demonstrates how Syntropy’s product suite — particularly the Syntropy Platform — will generate adoption and traffic on the Syntropy, directly increasing token usage.

Our token model makes it easy for anyone to adopt our technology in a seamless way.

  • Subscription Payment: Users pay a monthly subscription fee that goes toward driving additional adoption of the network. This fee is based on the number of end-points the user operates.
  • Data Transfer Payment: To transfer data on the network, users must pay according to their bandwidth usage. This is similar to the model that large cloud operators like Oracle and AWS implement. In this case, no matter how the user pays for the data usage (with fiat or tokens), all payments are exchanged into tokens on the backend, ensuring direct demand for the NOIA token.

Our first product, the Syntropy Platform, makes it easy for large businesses to tap into the Syntropy. In a few clicks, enterprise uses can securely connect and manage thousands of endpoints.

Our token model ensures frictionless adoption of the Syntropy Platform while making sure that the NOIA token is at the core of the entire ecosystem.

Syntropy establishes and maintains an entire network of Syntropy-connected devices and instances, facilitating access to our SDN tech stack for enterprises.

Long-time followers of Syntropy know that our team places an immense value on creating real-world adoption. That requires building technology that can create a large amount of network demand.

With the Syntropy Platform, we’ve achieved that first important milestone. The success of our current pilot programs demonstrate that Syntropy will become a major player in the rapidly-growing Network-as-a-Service market.

Chat with Syntropy’s co-founders

This won’t be the last time you hear from us regarding the NOIA token. We understand how important it is for our community and technology, and we will be sharing more details in the weeks and months to come.

Our community managers will be collecting your questions and feedback on our Telegram Channel. They’ll deliver this information directly to our co-founders, who will join the chat next week to answer them.

Thanks again for your strong support. It really does make a big difference.

