Weekly Development Update

Mindaugas Rimavičius
1 min readApr 4, 2018

Last week went by fast. Nevertheless, it was a very productive one for the NOIA Network development team.

Here’s the Highlights:

* NOIA node Graphical User Interface demo now at: http://recordit.co/QLEcToOum8
* Hundreds of NOIA nodes deploy for worldwide testing.
* Purpose created Test Server load-tests NOIA nodes.
* Telegraf connects to collect metrics and logs from NOIA nodes to our InfluxDB + Grafana instance. Demo can be requested during “Beyond Blocks Summit Tokyo 2018” which takes place on April 4–5th. NOIA Network founders Domas and Domantas are at the event. Don’t forget to stop by and have a chat.

Other technical improvements:

* NOIA nodes put on Docker for automatic deployment at scale.


* CSL Cloud Controller — work in progress. Deployment tested using AWS Elastic Container Service.
* Traffic adaptation model — work in progress. Integration into controller coming soon.
* NOIA nodes now fully understand cache commands, and master node uses it to cache content.
* Token reward system and Ethereum testnet integration coming!

Stay tuned. More demos coming next week!

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Originally published at noia.network on April 4, 2018.

