Season 1 Episode 1 — Cat Noone — A Preview

Luis Ouriach
Noise Podcast
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2019

Hello again dear listeners,

The launch of the podcast went fantastically well, we were both blown away by the support from our networks.

As promised, we will be running features for each of our guests, and episode #1 was with the inimitable Cat Noone.

Cat is a designer, mother, and founder focused on designing and building technology that maximize the way we connect and help others

Our episode saw us talk through the trials and tribulations of moving countries, raising children as a CEO, and the inspirations behind each of her projects.

It turns out that one of her businesses was originally an idea she had when she was 19, but took a good 10 years to come to fruition — good things come to those who wait, and we’re in no doubt that because of her patience with the idea, it’ll become even more of a success than she originally thought possible.

Her accessibility app Stark is going to be your new design best friend, she’s prolific on Twitter, and also runs her own blog.

Music round

Seeing as we’re called Noise, we thought we’d ask our guests about their music tastes. Cat couldn’t pick one, so here we go:

I definitely cannot separate.

I grew up in the ‘80s where music was just amazing and playing tracks and artists from decades before and a decade or two after was equally as good. Having said that, I have a few across genres that I can go back and listen to over and over.

What’s more, they’re the albums of artists I will listen to virtually everything they put out.

• Jay-Z — The Blueprint

• Biggie Smalls — Life After Death

• Sleeping At Last — Year Two

• Tupac — All Eyez On Me

• Counting Crows — August and Everything After

• Ed Sheeran — X

• J Cole — Cole World

• Eminem — Curtain Call

They as artists and specifically songs from these albums (much like any song or album for anyone) take me back to a place, a time, a person, a moment. And it just does it for me.

Whether it’s staying late up night with relatives singing or in the car with my friends in the summer time feeling like life could be better and worse all at once. This music is bliss for me.

Listen to Cat’s episode here, and as always please share around your network and give us a rating if you’re enjoying the show.

Until next time,

The boys from Noise.

We’re active on Instagram and Twitter too, we’d love to have you on board.



Luis Ouriach
Noise Podcast

Design and community @FigmaDesign, newsletter writer, co-host @thenoisepod, creator of @8pxmag. Sarcastic.