Season 1 Episode 3 — Frank Bach — A Preview

Luis Ouriach
Noise Podcast
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2019

Hello again dear listeners,

The launch of the podcast went fantastically well, we were both blown away by the support from our networks.

Episode #3 was with Frank 🌞 Bach.

Frank Bach is a Lead Product Designer at Headspace in LA, interested in the relationship between mindfulness and creativity. His work spans product, growth and brand design.

Our episode was a great insight into the Silicon Valley pace working in conjunction with a mindful approach to life; Frank is a huge proponent of practicing what you preach.

We also touched on the experiences we face moving cities and countries trying to find our own paths in our careers, and Frank’s was particularly inspiring.

Where can you find Frank?

Instagram @francoisbach_
Twitter @francois_bach
Personal site:

Music round

Seeing as we’re called Noise, we thought we’d ask our guests about their music tastes. Frank’s favourite album?

Black Flag — My War

It’s a departure from their playful hardcore roots (Damaged), to a more Sabbath-esque sludge style.

The music got dark, heavy, and was set to a slower tempo than usual. The album, for me, is a reminder that everyone is fighting a war inside at any given moment, even if it’s not visible.

The album had a huge influence on Nirvana, Mudhoney, the Melvins, etc. and was one of Kurt Cobain’s favorites as well.

Listen to Frank’s episode here, and as always please share around your network and give us a rating if you’re enjoying the show.

Until next time,

The boys from Noise.

We’re active on Instagram and Twitter too, we’d love to have you on board.



Luis Ouriach
Noise Podcast

Design and community @FigmaDesign, newsletter writer, co-host @thenoisepod, creator of @8pxmag. Sarcastic.