Season 1, Episode 8 — Mitch Myers — A preview

Luis Ouriach
Noise Podcast
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2020

Hello again dear listeners,

The launch of the podcast went fantastically well, we were both blown away by the support from our networks.

Episode #8 was with Mitch Myers.

I’m a motion designer, art director. I hear I’m an above par dad and I still think tech decks are pretty dope.

With Mitch’s exposure to some incredible brands, such as GoPro, The Glitch Mob, and EA Sports, we really wanted to jump in to understand what it takes to reach this level. Along the way, we learned that Mitch was in a touring band before he found design and it was this early introduction to creative thinking that landed him where he is today.

Where can you find Mitch?

Music round

Seeing as we’re called Noise, we thought we’d ask our guests about their music tastes. Mitch’s favourite album?

I probably have a new favorite album every couple months, but currently it’s Helix — Crystal Lake.

Listen to Mitch’s episode here, and as always please share around your network and give us a rating if you’re enjoying the show.

Until next time,

The boys from Noise.

We’re active on Instagram and Twitter too, we’d love to have you on board.



Luis Ouriach
Noise Podcast

Design and community @FigmaDesign, newsletter writer, co-host @thenoisepod, creator of @8pxmag. Sarcastic.