Indoor training that is less at-home, and more out there.

Noise Studio
Noise Studio
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2022

As a concept, Kinomap couldn’t be more relevant or innovative. COVID-19 reshaped the landscape of fitness and led to the at-home fitness industry skyrocketing by nearly 50%. Additionally, the world was urged to stay at home, restricting our lives to four walls for the best part of two years. Kinomap offered an escape from this reality — even though they were stuck at home users could experience some of the best tracks from around the world.

However, their brand felt out of touch and dated. With a logo that didn’t communicate how or what they did, they were falling behind the competition without a clear direction or identity. We immersed ourselves in the market and we realised that while everyone else focused on what indoor training looked like, Kinomap’s audience was more interested in what was beyond their front door. They wanted their training experience to be less ‘at-home’ and more ‘out there’.

This strategy lead to a visual identity that focuses on the places and experiences depicted on the Kinomap screen, rather than showing people working out in a sad living room next to the sofa. We refreshed their logo to be a combination of the letter ‘K’, and a crossroads. This cleverly shows what the brand does (geolocated video sharing), but also that with Kinomap you never need to ride the same road twice. There’s always a new path to be taken.

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Noise Studio is an international creative agency working at the intersection of digital and branding. We create unexpected design solutions for some of the most exciting names in sports, outdoors and sustainability.

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Noise Studio
Noise Studio

We are not for everyone, and that's a good thing.