The fitness app helping people get back on the move.

Noise Studio
Noise Studio
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2022

93% of Southeast Asians do not regularly exercise. LIV3LY is on a mission to address this. The creative brief for Noise was to help them create the next game-changing social fitness experience that felt as fun as it did rewarding. With a target audience of fitness newbies and non-athletes, we had the challenge of addressing a reluctant audience in a crowded market.

‘Helping people get back on the move’ became our tagline and north star when designing the new brand identity for Move. Every design decision through branding, UX and UI was made with motivation, accessibility and giving users a rewarding feeling in mind. We knew that this non-judgemental fitness app would need a unique aesthetic to match the unique experience.

Our solution was to commission the 3D artist, Horacio Camacho, to create our Move universe including a family of five characters who became the backbone of our identity. The colors, typography, marketing and digital design unfolded around these characters to create a harmonious identity and fitness space that made movement fun and rewarding.

See the full case study

Inside Noise Studio

Most Innovative Branding Agency 2022

We won an award!

“…Noise is an international creative agency that works at the intersection of branding and digital. It strives to challenge the industry by doing things differently, pushing the edges of creativity, worshipping unconventional ideas, and advocating for a little bit of rebellion. They believe big and small stories are worth telling and their team puts their heart into everything they do…”

Read all about it here.


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Noise Studio is an international creative agency working at the intersection of digital and branding. We create unexpected design solutions for some of the most exciting names in sports, outdoors and sustainability.

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Noise Studio
Noise Studio

We are not for everyone, and that's a good thing.