Sound Therapy as a panacea from all diseases


Have you ever heard about the magical influence of sounds on our minds and body? Have you thought about the fact that music and a specific set of sounds can treat from different diseases, calm down children and adults, and even increase learning productivity? If you have been following our previous articles, then definitely yes, you know about all the magical effects music can do with us. In case, you are on this page for the first time, check out our blog. While today we will talk about sound therapy, its influence on people, and usage in medicine.

Not so far ago, therapy with help of sounds was not recognized by the classical medicine. The facts, when someone was treated with the help of voice, sounds of nature, or a set of other noises — were not even taken seriously. Even though we are sure that everyone has been facing the moment of relaxing, better feeling, and even that pain was going away, because of music, sounds, or someone noises. The simplest example is when getting any kind of trauma — the person screams, the reason is that this type of sound has an effect of anesthesia.

Scientists say that each organ in the human body has its own type of vibration. This means, when the vibration of noise is on the same level as the vibration of the organ — it runs to the fast treatment. Sounds quite easy, right? So, if someone has any problems with, for example, heart, the only thing which is required — find the vibration of the organ and turn on a similar sound and enjoy the better feeling.

An interesting fact is that the magical effects of all types of vibrations and noises have been widely known since ancient times. That is the reason why, in many cities, during mass disasters, and epidemics all the bells of all the churches had been ringing, additionally to alarming, it also had a treatment effect. While, not so long time ago, scientists and doctors didn’t take the sound therapy seriously. All the positive effects of a specific kind of noise were taken as a coincidence. Only today, since many years had passed, positive effect from listening to the specific set of sounds is taken seriously. Different scientists and doctors are talking about the magical influence of noises on the systems of our bodies.

Are you getting curious about those facts? I am sure that you do! As music has a relaxing effect on everyone. This means that thinking about listening to music and getting very important therapy can be implemented in one action. Just imagine sitting in the almost dark room, breathing fresh air, listening to relaxing sounds, and, at the same time, getting such important treatment.

The same system can be used, in order to influence the health of people with disabilities, or influencing the health of small children, or people in a coma. If you already have a plan on providing therapy to yourself, or someone close to you — check out our website. Noizio — an application where you can find a perfect unique set of sounds, which can fit your specific needs and requirements!

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Noizio — focus, relax, sleep
Noizio — focus, relax, sleep

Noizio is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work at hand, increasing your productivity.