White noise — helps your baby to sleep better

Parents of the new-born babies are often having a lot of questions and worries, about how to behave with an infant, without any harm for health. This is obvious, that each baby is different, and new parents do not always know how should the typical day and night look like, and what to do if the baby doesn’t sleep well. Which is extremely important, as if an infant sleep at night — the parents also have time to relax.

White noise may be a perfect help for everyone, who is struggling with making their babies sleep. We have been talking about the colorful noises, in one of our previous articles. Today, we are going to concentrate on the influence of white noise, specifically on the sleeping quality of the new-born babies.

Complete silence is not parents best friend

There is a wrong opinion, that babies should be sleeping in the complete silence. Only with the time, parents realize that it is not working well. Babies feel very uncomfortable in such conditions. An explanation of that fact is quite simple, being inside the mother’s belly, they are surrounded by many sounds, blood pressure, the noise of stomach, breeze, and voices. White noise is very similar to the set of noises they’ve been listening for 9 months.

Here is a list of positive outcomes, which white noise does with babies:

  • White noise helps to fall asleep and move between sleeping phases, which is extremely hard for newborn babies. If there is white noise turned on, then it becomes the way easier, which guarantees longer sleeping time for babies and parents.
  • Reducing stress. It is surprising for many people, but babies are not crying just because they feel hungry or wet. They may also cry because of stress, which may be caused by many factors, lack of attention, unpleasant situation, bad dreams, etc. Here, the white noise is exactly what you need, it is able to calm down the nervous system.
  • Shuts down another noise. Someone may sleep, even during the repair of the road going next to them, while others are getting up from any noise. If your baby is the second type — then white noise is the perfect help for you.

Additionally, the white noise is able to help the mother to sleep deeper, which gives advantages not just to her, but also to the whole family. There are several basic rules, on how to make white noise to become your helper:

• Source of the noise should be located around 1 meter from the place, where the baby is sleeping;

• Sounds are better to be played for 1–2 hours, it will be enough for improved sleeping quality;

• The volume of the sound should be around 50 decibels, so it is able to block all disturbing sounds and to not disturb.

I can ensure you from my personal experience, that the white noise is a perfect helper in calming down a crying baby. It is produced by the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, water falling, rain, etc. In case, you are looking for a simpler way — Noizio is something you really need! The application includes different sets of sounds, which may be adjusted to your personal needs. So, the only thing you need to do — download an application and find perfect noises, which will calm down you and your baby!



Noizio — focus, relax, sleep
Noizio — focus, relax, sleep

Noizio is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work at hand, increasing your productivity.